Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 13th

I've gotten to that point in my writing where I desperately need feedback, any kind of feed back. Or no feedback, just the knowledge that some eyes, other than my own, have looked over my words.

It lifts me out of my own point of view and I get to see my writing as though for the first time, which is invaluable, and frankly, absolutely necessary for me to be able to continue. Otherwise everything gets murky and bogged down.

Thankfully, I have a brother and friend recruited to read over my stuff, which is not an easy task, poor, dear things. I know, because I have in turn read over other people's things and it's a burden, even if the writing is any good at all. The author is invariable both desperate and fearful of feedback; navigating those waters are tricky.

Sometimes I wonder why I am putting all this energy into this writing. I don't think its universally appealing. I'm not going about it like a professional writer would, which is to choose a target audience and then tailor their writing to suit the target.

I am writing purely to suit myself. Though, I can't be the only grown up who still likes faerie tales. I just can't be. I know I search out authors who can capture the beauty, mystery and fear of one in an adult way. Surely others do, otherwise there would not be such a genre as Fantasy.

Oh to hell with it. I'm having fun. I do wish I could make money and have fun at the same time, but if I don't, who cares. At least I had fun, and brought to life all that was inside me. To be able to do that is a joy.