Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 6th

I'm writing again! Yesterday, instead of watching a movie on Netflix, I came downstairs, brewed a pot of tea and started in on a faerie tale.

I tried to watch a movie. I was all set up with watching the new Star Trek....

oh no

That's too hilarious! I really was going to watch the Star Trek movie! And, according to earlier posts, that means that I'm officially a geek. I should have known; it was obvious all along, I mean, I prefer glasses over contacts. I'm planning on rereading the Silmarillion. I have a ridiculous vocabulary and I can't run. (yet)

I'm a geek!

Well, I feel better now that we've got that matter all squared away.

Anyway, I'm writing again and it feels great. Especially because I have lost all my old writing. However, it occurred to me that even if I'll never write quite the same thing again, if it was truly in me before, it's still in me now. I can still capture the essence of those stories.

And I think that's true. I feel all kinds of creative energy flowing through me, I feel downright juicy with imagination. I haven't felt this way since I was fifteen and kept myself up at night on my electric typewriter, giving myself a massive headache with the clashing of the keys.

I used to force myself to finish one story before I began another, and to write in a linear way, always from start to finish and now I'm not going to do that anymore. I'm going to write anything and anyhow I like. If I feel like beginning a half dozen stories and finishing none, that is what will happen. Maybe I will bounce back and forth between two or three. Maybe I will just free flow one day and edit the next.