Friday, September 22, 2017

September 22nd

April 14, 2017

We are approaching Easter. In fact, it is Good Friday and Jesus is already on the cross. He held me close in His arms this early morning, when I went back to bed. I rested and soaked in my Lord Jesus, because I knew I would be facing a difficult path through these next few days. I have already taken the first step by posting the Good Friday blog. I was in intercessory prayer when Jesus showed me how to arrange my blogs for this weekend, and He has since confirmed it, so there is no doubt, only obedience. I recognize that I am destroying my reputation, what had remained of it, but that can’t matter, because when Jesus calls me to obedience, building or protecting my reputation is not any kind of goal of mine.

I continue to walk through the trial that was suddenly brought on by the necessity of my having no lie on my conscience in order that I might pray effectively. This would be necessary at any time, but it is crucial now that I am on the intercessory prayer team. I have already learned a hard lesson on it, and I promised the Lord I would never have to learn it again. Dealing with the results of keeping my word to Him has been one of the worst trials that I have walked through, with potentially devastating consequences.

I am able to put aside anger and resentment by reminding myself that I should do all things as though for the Lord, and to accept the humbling and to repent from the times when I was careless and to be consciously grateful for this beautiful life that I get to live.

So I am under a fair amount of pressure, but the Lord is upholding me and He told me this morning as I was washing dishes that I am participating with Him in the loss of reputation and humbling and appearance of helplessness that He bore on the cross. I get to know the Lord Jesus and the fellowship of His sufferings. It made me laugh for joy at sharing this for Him, and because of the loving, tender way in which He revealed this to me, which was perfectly obvious once He pointed it out.

April 17, 2017

Again, must deal with a lot of chaos and anger in a way that honors the Lord; I rely on Him at all times to keep me on the straight and narrow path of keeping His words. The temptation to look away and step away from them is severe, and I must repent each time. This happens hour by hour. My life is like a stormy sea and I have nothing there to rely on. I don’t know what my future will hold or what inestimably precious thing might lose, but I must be willing at all times to act out of self-sacrificing love and trust the sovereign Lord for the outcome. But I’m realizing that the Lord is using this to teach me to rely on Him alone, so that I can walk by His power and care over the stormy sea.

From phone:

“Ah, Lord,” I sighed, sinking into pleasure and relief at finding myself with Him at last, the One I kept walking toward all day long.

Jenny, I love you so much, He said in that quiet, certain voice.

April 24, 2017

Went to be with Jesus, moved through a barrage of disturbing images and then a whole line of potentially distracting thoughts about things I should do or should be doing or have forgotten to do. Rejected the images and cast the thoughts all aside after just a moment and passed through to Jesus, then wrote this down.


You do so well, He comforted me.

Doubted this and then doubted Him because He said this, and then remembered that I must trust Jesus to be able to communicate Himself to me truly, because He is God and He is faithful and true.

“The foundational faith,” I said to Jesus, returning to Him.

You do so well, Jesus repeated, with greater emphasis.

At church, the last song they sang for the worship part was a newer version of, “It is well with my soul.” I was in tears at the beginning of the song, because of the truth of it, and everything that I have been living through that week, one of the worst weeks. And yet, I could say, “It is well with my soul,” because of Jesus. I sang it for His glory, spreading my arms wide, tipping my face up and singing right up to Him- “Look, look, I declare, I declare to You and for You and before heaven and here in the world, that even with all this, because of You, Lord Jesus, it is well with my soul!”

I thought of the abuse and all the pain of my childhood and each time, I opened my arms in triumphant joy, singing out, “It is well, it is well, it is well with my soul!” While inwardly I was saying, “Because of You, because of You, because of You, receive the glory!”

Been resting in the rhythm of His breathing- Jesus is so very alive, so very human. His chest rises and falls with His peaceful breathing.

I love to have you here, He told me, when I was thinking that to be always held within His living breath was the highest reward possible.

May 8, 2017

“Lord, I’m making up a story (about what happens and what it means)” I confessed, opening my whole self-gratifying dialogue and my heart to Him in confession, as soon as I realized I was doing this, saw a glimpse of the throne of Heaven and the whole silly smallness of this story, as well as my guilt, dissolved with one breath of Heaven, which is pure and beautiful, righteous and far above anything I could grasp or comprehend.

“The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever,” I said with relief.

“I want to be right with You,” I confessed to Jesus with relief, my arms around Him, heart to heart, having finally found the right words. I want to be in right alignment with Him and His will and His words. I want everything in me to line up with Him, and for that to happen now, so that it won’t be a shocking adjustment later,when I see Him face to face. I want the conversation now.

“Ah, there is nothing to be afraid of,” I said in profound relief, seeing the shoulder of Jesus as I rested with Him. When one is at His heart, there is nothing more to be afraid of.

Saw how Jesus would open a way through all the bewildering perplexities of His church, through what is eternal and what is temporal, through what is earthly and what is of Heaven, because Jesus knows this perfectly, completely, and I need not try to figure this out myself, just trust my Good Shepherd and look always to Him and follow right on His heels.

I am His little one and I cannot care for myself, the sheep needs the Shepherd or they will certainly die. That’s the way it’s meant to be, to rely on Jesus for everything, confidently, constantly. There is no shame in that. It’s the blueprint of Heaven. That’s the way the Lord Jesus Christ was with His Abba when He was on earth- listening like a disciple, doing only what He saw His Daddy doing, saying only what His Daddy told Him to say, doing only Abba’s will.

Saw how Jesus has been refining me until I am willing to be a fool for His sake and can love and serve Him with abandon in the presence of intense negativity and rejection, and that is just the way Jesus Himself walked the earth and the way in which He operated- pouring out worship and mercy and truth in front of the most withering criticism, rejection and hatred.

Jesus was holding me tight in His arms and pouring love over me in a continuous, enveloping stream as I was realizing this work of His in me, and how beautifully it follows His own pattern, and how glad I am that He has done this work in me, so that I can pour out love and adoration from my heart in joyful vulnerability, even in harsh environments.

May 10, 2017

“No distortion, only Jesus Christ, who came bringing grace and truth, and grace upon grace, from Whom we have all received grace,” I said. His face was very close to mine, I could see the light caught in His eye lashes, and the expression of luminous contentment on His face.

Was caught up in sweet communion, being for long, timeless moments without distraction and only in His presence, when was distracted by a sudden distortion of what I was seeing.

“I’m going to just come right back to You, as an act of trust,” I stated, stubbornly- without trying to understand everything and how it works and why, but simply because the Lord Jesus Christ is faithful and true and I can trust Him with all of myself, all the time, no matter what. It’s never what I see first, it’s always Who He is.

Come here, Jenny, Jesus assured me.

“To grow my faith in Him,” I realized, which is why sometimes those things happen, when I was resting deeply with Jesus, at the very end of my life and looking back and realizing this was why.

Saw His face with beauty and clarity, with reverent love held Him in my arms, kissed His cheekbones, His forehead, love endlessly flowing to Him from me and from Him to me, and was looking right into His eyes of depthless peace and fullness of love for long moments until I realized I was, and looked down, smiling to realize that I had been.

“Lord, here I am, such as I am,” I said, returning to Him after writing the above, and being distracted for some time, and Jesus opened His arms to me. He is endlessly patient with me!

It’s worth it, Jesus said, as I was finishing that last sentence. Praise God, He feels His patience is well rewarded! May it be so! May the Lord be richly rewarded for all His patience toward us.

This Friday I am beginning the next two days of backstory, through which I die to myself further. I was realizing that over and over again, through my blog posting, I die to myself two weeks but on the third week, that’s the current testimony, the Lord receives the glory of His work in my life, when the fruit is shown.

Filled with some pressing anxiety to wrap up this hour and begin work on the blog itself, because it’s already Wednesday and I haven’t started to edit it for posting yet, but as an act of trust, forced that down, and rested and said, “Lord, I listen.” Then I paused to write this down.

Come here, Jesus said, as soon as I stopped.

“Yes, Lord.”

Drawn right back, laughing, into love.

“Thy will be done, Thy will be done, Thy will be done, even through me!” I cried, lifting my hands in helplessness before His grace and glory, and I was drawn back into Jesus arms of strength, and into His outpouring of love and confidence. There is no doubt in His face, only certainty and love.

It will achieve its purpose and will be full of glory, Jesus said, when my thoughts fell on a certain part of the upcoming back story. Little of that has ever been shared before.

May 14, 2017

Sunk down into sweet, deep love, saturated in love. “Do You know why I love to come to You?” I asked Jesus dreamily, His face radiant with peace and love. It makes Him beautiful. He answered without words, to the effect that certainly He knew, but that He would like me to tell Him, because I would like to say it.

“Because I can suspend myself in Your authority and cease to carry any worry at all that I might be doing or planning the wrong thing, but may release every bit of that weight and present myself entirely to You and have no fear and no worry and know that You know completely all that I am doing and that it is all Yours, to do with all You like. That is what I love,” I confessed, because it is a huge weight off me, sometimes, especially now, when I am preparing two such blogs as the next two.

July 24, 2017

Walked into a wall of warfare yesterday morning which still has yet to settle and only got rapidly worse on almost every front, and came out of nowhere. I feel like I am reaching crisis point.

Jesus, I have been trusting You with this all along, but now it is happening. How can I endure to watch this?

He just told me to turn over my calendar page and this is what is there:

“All of Your works will thank You, Lord, and Your faithful followers will bless You. They will talk together about the glory of Your Kingdom; they will celebrate examples of Your power.”

-Psalm 145:10-11

Dear Lord Jesus, heal my soul, it is full of anger right now. Don’t let me make a misstep. Bless and do not curse. Overcome evil with good. The Lord is a strong tower, the Lord Jesus is a strong tower for me. I will run to Him and be safe.

From the phone that evening:

When You allow these things, it's for my training! I thank You for the training! I love to go to war for You! I love Your training! I love to be stronger, faster, sharper, more resilient for Your glory! I thank You for it! I love to advance Your Kingdom, to push back the darkness, to take ground for You! You train my hands for war and my fingers for battle.

July 26, 2017

Yesterday on my calendar is written “closed on house,” and the verse is: “The LORD is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him, for he understands how weak we are.” Psalm 101:13-14 NLT

Today was written: “first day in new house” and the verse was: “This is my happy way of life: obeying Your commands.” Psalm 119:56 NLT

That was last year on those days. This year, yesterday was the day when my entire life as I know almost was scattered to the winds and I almost failed to obey, except that the Lord brought wisdom at the last moment, and He gave me strength. Today is the day I begin to walk it out. My heart is battered and I still have surges of anger, but the Holy Spirit will help me in such a way that the anger passes through and does no permanent damage.

And Jesus was a torrent of love and affection when I came to Him, calling me His one, His precious one, His own, and that I pleased Him, I pleased Him so much. I’ve been resting with Jesus, and I know that in the light of eternity, this decision will be the right one. That’s the only thing that matters.

July 26, 2017

I've been realizing in a fresh way how much the Lord has prepared me to walk through something like this, where we appear to lose everything we were just on the verge of gaining- I thought I was in exactly the right place doing just what the Lord created me to do, the place where my family would grow in the Lord, and then suddenly to have it be lost, to be laid on the alter. But the Holy Spirit has given me many ways of understanding this situation, and Jesus has already given me a kind of training that leads me to this understanding- that is, that the Lord is in control at all times and that He never loses. If He sometimes appears to lose, it is because He is looking forward to the resurrection power that will come at the end of the initial, painful loss or failure.

He has taught me to operate out of the highest level of understanding His sovereign goodness- that Jesus always knows what He is doing and is always doing something good or bringing something good of it and so we can thank God at all times and in all things through the Lord Jesus Christ, because He has the last word and the last word is good.

I heard that the new church used to have an intercessory prayer team, but now they don't have one. I think the Lord must have allowed me, in this process, to be moved to this church almost like a piece on a chess board.

September 13, 2017

You’re doing well, Jesus told me as I was putting things away in the kitchen, bombarded as usual with feelings of doubt about everything, particularly Him, and fixing my eyes instead on gratitude and trust.

“You always say that!” I groaned. “How can I be doing well? Why wouldn’t You give some constructive criticism, like, “Jenny, these doubts are unacceptable in the light of everything I’ve done for you and given you and I expect more from you than this?”

But Jesus did not answer this query of mine, or comment on my suggested bit of dialogue for Him.

“Lord, here I am,” I said ruefully, and Jesus lifted my head with His hand under my chin. He was smiling. I should be used to His grace by now, but I’m not. I still find it shocking.

Yesterday my prayer partner and I prayed for the second time at the new church. The pastor is allowing us to pray there, even in our personal prayer language, although this is not something this denomination generally recognizes or operates in.

"Prayer is prayer," he said, with twinkling eyes, when I thanked him for this, and for the privilege of praying for his church. I felt the anointing on the Holy Spirit more strongly on him than on any other person in recent memory.

After the first trial and then the second and worst trial, it was tempting to think that, along with receiving many deep wounds that the Lord has been faithful to heal, I had lost an important assignment, that something precious had been stolen from me before its time.

But I didn’t lose the assignment. What happened was that once, I prayed for one church. Now in the company of my prayer partners, we pray for two. Once, I had one prayer partner, now I have three. Once I was praying under my voice. Now I place myself before the Holy Spirit and give myself over to Him without reserve, and I am not afraid to speak the truth aloud.

Jesus had given me the phrase, “the lucky one,” and that is what I had been telling myself and how I had been orienting my thoughts all morning, and I brought it into the prayer by thanking Jesus for all He had done and stating that we were the lucky ones because of Him and His love and His salvation and His companionship. The anointing fell down strong on us both as we praised Him and thanked Him.

My prayer partner spent a long time praying for me and my family, which made me cry, to be receiving so much love. These are not ordinary prayers- they are huge outpouring of the Holy Spirit, rich with declarations of truth and warfare and praise. To be on the receiving end of such prayers is a gift of great love.

So I must record that the Lord Jesus has been doing a lot of work on my prayers, mostly through these strong women of the Lord that I’ve been praying with. I’ve learned a great deal, and I have lost a great deal of fear. Now, sometimes when we are praying, the Holy Spirit fills me with the truth of who the Lord Jesus is, what He does and His power and His love, and I must speak it aloud. I am filled with a unstoppable joy in my Lord, and a burning anger against any lie that exalts itself against Jesus, because it is crystal clear to me in that moment that speaking the truth of Jesus glorifies Him and I have a fierce desire for Him to be glorified. I want His glory and truth revealed and manifested here, because it is just as true here as it is in Heaven, and I want it to be seen for His sake. He is worthy, and a lie has no power in the face of the truth.

So what that does is that it makes me like a weapon, but this has nothing to do with flesh and blood, and not very much to do with me either, except that I belong to the Lord- I am His bondservant. I know His words and I know He is faithful and true. I am not afraid during these times. I am aware that I am standing as much in the spiritual realm as the physical. I know that the name of Jesus resounds throughout the spiritual realm, and I know that His name is above every name and that I am called by His name, bought by His blood and a member of His living Body and I know the words and truth of my Lord. So I can and do speak right into the spiritual realm, declaring that the words of the Lord are true and effective and everything must bow to the Lord Jesus’ authority, because He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

I do that when the Holy Spirit fills me up with this knowledge. It lights up in me, and it’s almost difficult for me not to pray at those times. I don’t go into prayer like that at just any time, or carelessly. I listen very much to the Holy Spirit, and afterward, I fall on my face before the Lord, usually physically as well as spiritually, and I fully acknowledge I am His servant, that I belong wholly to Him, that He has all the power, all the glory and the Kingdom belongs to Him, and that all the victory belongs to the Lord Jesus, and He is the worthy One.

“Lord Jesus, forgive me my doubt. If You say I am doing well, then I am doing well,” I said humbly, putting my head down on the desk to focus on Him, and I felt Him drawn a blanket lovingly around my shoulders, tucking me in cozily.

In His arms, breathed in that first scent of His living self, causing all my anxiety to melt out of me immediately, leaving me limp and my head aching from the sudden release. Jesus put His hand over my head. “You know all my thoughts, heal and hold all my thoughts,” I said in relief, because that’s what Jesus was doing.

“You take very good care of Your Body,” I said confidently, putting my head back down again.

Yes, I do, Jesus said, with perfect confidence.

I was thinking about those intense prayers, and how sometimes I am maybe not using the exact right wording, but the Lord knows my motivation and intent.

I have searched your heart and know you, He assured me.

September 18, 2017

Yesterday my prayer partner and I went early to the first church to pray- it was our first day of doing that. My prayer partner had gotten the insight that there was a plan to put a stop to the spiritual birth that the Lord was bringing forth. This is metaphorical language that describes the will of the Lord being put in place and motion.

But we know that the Lord's plans always come to fruition, and that He is the Prince of Life and His will is done. We know what it written in His word; that which the Lord brings forth is caught up to Him, no matter what stands against it, because His word is unshakeable. To be fully confident in the goodness and authority of the Lord Jesus brings Him honor, and all honor is due Him. So we rejoiced in that and that no weapon formed against us can prosper. Then I was reading from Ephesians.

As this was happening, the lights right above us came on. I hadn't even realized that they had been off. When we came in the room, we flicked the switch and we assumed all of them had come on until the moment when they truly had. It was a lot more light than we'd had before.

“The lights just came on! Did you see that? The lights came on!” I said to my prayer partner. Her face was glowing and beautiful, any care and fatigue washed away, leaving nothing but serene happiness.

When we came upstairs and joined the church for the group prayer time, the pastor was reading and directing the church to pray from that same passage in Ephesians.

“Jesus…” I said, reaching out for Him, after recording the above.


Saw Jesus smiling at me, His face hovering close. Put my cheek against His and closed my eyes, releasing burden after burden, knowing I was with the One who is my Savior and my Sovereign.

It’s not possible to do His work and remain apart from Him, because it’s His own work that He is doing through one. It’s eye opening to know this by experience. This is no victory but His. There is no righteousness but His. There is no strength but His and there is no authority but His alone.

I had a thought, and then offered it up to Jesus. “That’s for You. That’s obedience,” I said, turning my attention back to Jesus, and giving Him all the glory for His work. Worry and distraction melted away as I turned to Him.

Doing well, Jesus assured me, as I mutely lifted my eyes to His for His verdict. He went on-  Unless You want to challenge Me on that.

“No, Lord, I don’t want to challenge You. Forgive me,” I replied immediately, not a little awed by Him. “But it feels like…”

I know what it feels like, Jesus interrupted me firmly, and that was the end of that.

“Lord,” I breathed, when I came to Him after recording the above, and fell at His feet and kissed them.


"Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. May Your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing."

-Psalm 143:10 NLT (September 22)

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